Support Needed

Queen of the Holy Rosary School is a private Catholic school operating solely by fundraisers and donations from people like you.  We are not in any way state funded nor are we under any diocese.  We have been operating for over 40 years as an individual non profit school.  Today we come to ask for your assistance in supporting our cause.

In these unprecedented times, we thank Our Lord and His Holy Mother for the blessings they have bestowed upon us, especially for providing us the opportunity to give a good solid catholic education at Queen of the Holy Rosary School. Like many, the rising costs of tuition, school materials, and building maintenance have taken their toll. Both parents and staff have been working diligently to keep things going for yet another academic year.   Without your help, the future of Queen of the Holy Rosary School is uncertain.  Please consider donating to the cause.  Keeping our doors open is crucial in today’s world.  In a godless society, we need a solid faith filled education even more.  All donations help.  Thank you for joining our efforts during this time.  Your support means the world to us.  God Bless you.

Monatary donations needed, Queen of the Holy Rosary School, Necedah WI Queen of the Holy Rosary School, Necedah WI QR code



On behalf of Queen of the Holy Rosary School, as a past student and a present mother of 5 children who attend, I would like to share the benefits of our little Catholic school.
The classroom learning is infused with religion, daily prayers, religion classes, and the other subject materials correlating with our Catholic Faith.  The class size is small which allows for a one-on-one learning benefit; and we have codes of conduct and dress to keep the students both respectful and modest.
Because we are a small school, we rely on parents to volunteer their time to cover recess or lunch duty. We also have many teachers who volunteer their services which helps keeps the cost of education very affordable.
Currently we are coming to the end of another school year, and are preparing for our Annual Summerfest (in August), which is a day filled with food, fun, and spirits.  It also is our biggest fundraiser to keep our school thriving.
Queen of the Holy Rosary School is in need of high school teachers in the subjects of Language, History, and Music for the upcoming school year.  If you would like to volunteer your time in any way, we would love to hear from you.  Please contact the school at 608-565-2341.
So, on behalf of the families of Queen of the Holy Rosary School, please take the time to come to our Summer Fest to help support a good cause; and maybe consider becoming a volunteer and/or a teacher for our school.  It’s all about a good, solid, Catholic education without the worries of Common Core that is being pushed upon schools.
Donations are always appreciated; and they help tremendously.
Please pray for the success of our little Catholic school, and all Catholic schools; because it is a responsibility of ours, and a foundation for future generations.  God Bless You!